E-prescribing by midwives: The situation in Greece
1 Department of Midwifery, School of Health and Care Sciences, University of West Attica,Ag. Spyridonos Street, GR-12243, Athens, Greece.
2 Department of Obstetric Emergency, General and Maternity Hospital 'Helena Venizelou', Elenas Venizelou 2, GR-11521, Athens, Greece.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(01), 887–889
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.1.1340
Publication history:
Received on 24 May 2023; revised on 13 July 2023; accepted on 16 July 2023
Electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) offers numerous benefits but has also disadvantages. The use of e-prescribing is becoming increasingly widespread worldwide but e-prescribing for midwives may vary from country to country. Regulations in Greece have defined the right of midwives to prescribe specific medicines and diagnostic tests since 1989. However, several years later, in 2019, legislation provided for the regulation of e-prescription for midwives. Midwives play a crucial role in the healthcare system, especially in the care of women and neonates. They are trained professionals who provide a range of services, including antenatal care and can help prevent and treat health problems that may arise during a woman's lifetime. It is therefore of utmost importance to empower midwives with prescribing capabilities which will facilitate the role of Primary Health Care.
Global healthcare systems; E-prescribing; Midwives; Greece; Legislation
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