Editorial Board of International Journal: World Journal of Advanced Research and Review

Editor in chief

Dr. Ashok P. Hegade, (Ph.D. Pharmaceutics)
Full time Editor, World Journal of Advanced Research and Review, MS. India.

Editorial Board Members

Dr. Satya Ranjan Sarker, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, Savar Upazila, Dhaka (Bangladesh)
Dr. Refat Abd El Samie Sadek, Professor and Head, Department of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Port Said University, Port Said (Egypt)
Dr. Jithesh Madhavan, Professor and Head, Department of Kayachikista and PG studies in Manas roga, Vaidyaratnam PS varier Ayurveda College, Kottakkal, Kerala (India)
Dr. U. Srinivasa, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Valachil, Arkula, Karnataka (India)
Dr. Vildan Mevsin, Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Dokuz Eylul University School of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey
Dr. Waheed Ali Panhwar, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Sindh (Pakistan)
Dr. Badmanaban R., Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacognosy, Nirmala College of Pharmacy, Muvattupuzha, Ernakulum, Kerala-686661, (INDIA)
Dr. Angelo R. Santos, Associate Professor Head, ISO-Quality Management System Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Cabanatuan City (Philippines).
Mr. Sai Kiran Reddy Malikireddy, Principal Software Engineer, Walmart Inc. USA. (skreddy.m@live.com).
Mr. Raghu K Para, Independent Researcher, Ontario, Canada. (rpara@ieee.org)
Ms. Pushpalika Chatterjee, Independent Researcher, The Huntington National Bank, USA. (pushpalika.chatterjee@gmail.com)
Dr. Luay Abdulwahid Shihab, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, University of Basrah, Basrah (Iraq).
Mr. Bhavya Jain, Director of Information Security, ZayZoon, USA. (bhavyajain2006@gmail.com)
Md Habibullah Faisal, Research Fellow, Department of Business Administration, International American University, Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA. (mdhabibullahfaisal@gmail.com)
Zahidur Rahman, Research Fellow, Department of Business Administration, International American University, Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA. (zrshaon@gmail.com)
Sufi Sudruddin Chowdhury, Research Fellow, Department of Business Administration, University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, Kentucky, USA. (sufisudruddin5@gmail.com)
Md. Sohel Rana, Research Fellow, Department of Business Administration, University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, Kentucky, USA. (ranasoheliau@gmail.com)
Mr. Rasheed O. Ajirotutu, Scheduling Specialist, Vanderlande Industries, USA. (ajibalistic@gmail.com)
Mr. Chetan Sharma, Lead SAP, Tractor Supply Company, USA. (chetansharma4u@gmail.com).
Mr. Raveendra Reddy Pasala, Bus Sys Analyst, Sr Staff, Move Sales Inc. USA. (praveendrareddy@gmail.com)
Dr. Shelly Singh, Associate Dentist, Aspen Dental, USA. (drshellys76@gmail.com)
Sai Sandeep Ogety, Cloud Computing & DevOps Specialist Independent Researcher Raleigh, NC, USA. (ogetysaisandeep@ieee.org) ORCID: 0009-0000-4388-9987
Md Faisal Ahmed, Researcher, School of Management, International American University, Los Angeles, California, USA. (faisal1198@diu.edu.bd)
Mr. Mohan Raja Pulicharla, Data Engineer Staff, Move Inc., USA. (mohanrajapulicharla@gmail.com)
Adeyemi Afolayan Adesola, Researcher, Stephen F. Austin State University,  Nacogdoches, Texas, USA. (yemiadesola@gmail.com)
Zartashea Mir, Researcher and Software Engineer, Independent AI researcher, Pakistan. (zartasheaa@gmail.com)
Jaymin Pareshkumar Shah, Researcher and Energy engineer, FST Technical services, USA. (jayminshah95@gmail.com)
Isabirye Edward Kezron, Researcher and CEO/CTO, Makerere University, Uganda. (edwardik@gmail.com)
Isha Das, Researcher, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Chittagong, Bangladesh. (ishadas2006@gmail.com)
Raveendra Reddy Pasala, Bus Sys Analyst, Sr Staff Move Sales Inc. USA. (praveendrareddy@gmail.com)

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World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews (WJARR) is committed to have dynamic and potential Editorial board members. We are currently expanding our editorial board for the year 2025-2026. To act as Editorial Board Members, the active researcher with excellent background in all the subject area falling within our journals scope can Join us.