Sustainable project management: Integrating environmental responsibility into project practices
1 Lincoln University College Malaysia.
2 Department of Statistics, Federal College of Animal Health and Production Technology, Ibadan Oyo State, Nigeria.
3 Department of Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment University of Malaya, Malaysia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(03), 2474–2478
Publication history:
Received on 08 August 2024; revised on 22 September 2024; accepted on 25 September 2024
This paper explores how previous methodologies of project management have been adapted to include more environmentally and socially friendly practices in a greatly developing concept known as sustainable project management (SPM). This paper seeks to explore the study on how sustainability becomes a micro concern in organizations and its pressure on the micro project managers through balancing the economic development as well as the environmental and social responsibilities. This research assesses some of the key concepts of SPM, the TBL and LCT. It covers the strategies and measures for the application of SPM that are green project management frameworks and sustainability impact assessment. It also discusses more specific issues related to SPM implementation, such as how to manage the resistance to change and how to build sustainability competencies in project teams. This work aims to demonstrate the potential of SPM in generating innovation, value creation, and change for organizations by using advanced literature review and case analysis; therefore, proving its significance in the contemporary project management environment.
Sustainable Project Management (SPM); Triple Bottom Line; Life Cycle Thinking; Stakeholder Engagement; Green Project Management; Sustainability Impact Assessment; Circular Economy; Artificial Intelligence in Project Management; Multi-organizational Collaboration; Corporate Social Responsibility
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