Optimizing Distributed Generation in DC Microgrids: A Comprehensive Study
1 Department of Computer Science and Design, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere-577006, Karnataka, India.
2 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davanagere.-577006, Karnataka, India.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(01), 2214–2226
Publication history:
Received on 08 June 2024; revised on 17 July 2024; accepted on 19 July 2024
This thorough examination offers a critical analysis of the intricate relationship between Distributed Generation (DG) and DC microgrids. It provides a thorough analysis of basic ideas, sophisticated control techniques, technological developments, and useful applications in actual situations. In the framework of a paradigm shift towards decentralized energy solutions, this study investigates the efficacy of Direct Current (DC) microgrids in integrating and optimizing diverse distributed generation sources. The study conducts a critical analysis of the challenges and possibilities related to various distributed generation technologies and renewable energy systems. For scientists, engineers, and policymakers engaged in the challenging task of incorporating dispersed energy into current systems, it offers crucial perspectives. This review is an important tool that advances our knowledge of distributed generation in DC microgrids. It contributes significantly to the development of discussions on resilient and sustainable energy solutions. In addition to discussing the challenges associated with DG integration, this study highlights real-world examples that highlight the adaptability and efficiency of DC microgrid designs. Because it includes a thorough examination of power electronics, energy storage, and advanced control systems, this study is an invaluable resource for stakeholders hoping to take advantage of DC microgrids. Through the integration of analytical analysis and pragmatic application, this review provides insightful analysis and field assistance. The entire study contributes significantly to the advancement of distributed generation (DG) integration, which is necessary to establish a sustainable and resilient energy environment. It offers the fundamental knowledge required to accomplish successful integration. This review paper offers an in-depth analysis of DG integration in DC microgrids. This review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the dynamic landscape where distributed energy generation and DC microgrids interact, starting with the foundational ideas and moving on to a close examination of the difficulties, innovations in technology, and useful applications.
DC Microgrid; DG; Renewable Energy; Power Electronics; Energy Storage; Control Strategies; Integration Challenges.
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