Iot-based flood monitoring and early warning system for proactive security measures

K. Praveen * and R. Vadivel

Department of Information Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India– 641046.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(03), 1798–1806
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.21.3.0681
Publication history: 
Received on 19 January 2024; revised on 02 March 2024; accepted on 05 March 2024
The project introduces an IoT-based flood monitoring system using Arduino Uno, soil moisture sensor, LCD, buzzer, Wi-Fi module (e.g., ESP8266), and ThingSpeak cloud platform. It monitors soil moisture levels, issuing alerts when a predefined threshold indicative of potential flooding is reached. The soil moisture sensor measures moisture content and is displayed on an LCD screen for real-time monitoring. A buzzer provides audible alerts for high moisture levels. A Wi-Fi module enables wireless communication, transmitting data to the ThingSpeak cloud platform for centralized storage and analysis. Users access real-time and historical data through ThingSpeak's interface. The system configures the Wi-Fi module to connect to a network, securely sending data using a unique API key. ThingSpeak enables visualization, analysis, and alert setup based on soil moisture levels, offering a comprehensive flood monitoring solution. This cost-effective system, integrating open-source hardware and cloud platforms, enhances accessibility and deployment ease and is suitable for various environmental monitoring applications.
Arduino UNO; Soil moisture sensor; LCD; Buzzer; Wi-Fi Module; Thinks Speak Cloud
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