The universality of Rydberg constant is investigated with concern for ethics

Ikechukwu Iloh Udema *

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Research Division, Ude International Concepts LTD (RC: 862217), B. B. Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(02), 1002-1010
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.16.2.1246
Publication history: 
Received on 08 October 2022; revised on 21 November 2022; accepted on 25 November 2022
Bearing in mind the unintended restriction of the Rydberg constant to atomic properties, there is a need to defend the universality of the Rydberg constant beyond atomic physics against the backdrop of the demands of ethics in research and publishing. The objectives of the research were:1) to show that the Rydberg constant is not just a composite fundamental physical constant applicable to the field of atomic physics but also nuclear matter physics; and 2) to examine the burning issues of the need for ethics in research, critique, or evaluation, and publishing. The methods were theoretical and calculational. The derivational and calculational results gave equations and values that were positive and verifiable; the calculation of the Rydberg constant using the derived equation after substituting the calculated mass radius of proton in this research and other literature values and the well-known physical constants reproduced the Rydberg constant to between 99.88 and 104.26 % of the 2016 CODATA value. Calculations based on charge radii from electron-proton scattering experiments produced results ranging from 72.53 to 75.34% of the CODATA value. Specifically, the calculation using the calculated mass radius of the proton in this research yielded approximately 1.096049145 exp. (+7)/m. Unethical behaviors in research, critique/evaluation review, and publishing were identified and discussed, and pieces of advice given accordingly. In conclusion, the universality of the Rydberg constant as a composite constant, applicable to both atomic and nuclear physics remains undisputable. The role of the Rydberg constant in the determination of periodic parameters of multi-electron atom is recommended for future research.
Universality of Rydberg constant; Mass radii of the elementary particles; Charge radius of the proton; Ethics
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