Sustainable Pore Pressure Prediction and its Impact on Geo-mechanical Modelling for Enhanced Drilling Operations
1 Independent Researcher, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
2 Independent Researcher, Lagos, Nigeria.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(01), 540–557
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2021.12.1.0536
Publication history:
Received on 16 September 2021; revised on 23 October 2021; accepted on 25 October 2021
Sustainable pore pressure prediction plays a pivotal role in optimizing geomechanical modeling, significantly enhancing drilling operations' efficiency and safety. The accurate estimation of pore pressure is crucial in identifying safe drilling windows, mitigating formation collapse, and avoiding blowouts. Traditional prediction methods often rely on static geological data, which may fail to capture dynamic reservoir behaviors, leading to operational risks. In contrast, integrating advanced computational techniques, real-time data analytics, and sustainable practices revolutionizes pore pressure prediction, providing adaptive and precise models that align with environmental and operational goals. This paper explores innovative approaches to pore pressure prediction, emphasizing the incorporation of machine learning algorithms, seismic data interpretation, and well-log analysis. These techniques allow for real-time updates, accommodating dynamic changes in subsurface conditions. Additionally, sustainable practices in prediction methodologies, such as minimizing reliance on invasive drilling methods and reducing energy consumption in modeling processes, are discussed. The impact of accurate pore pressure estimation on geomechanical modeling is profound, enhancing the prediction of stress fields and wellbore stability, critical for complex and high-pressure formations. The study highlights case examples where sustainable pore pressure prediction has facilitated better drilling outcomes, reducing non-productive time (NPT) and enhancing reservoir management. These examples underscore the role of predictive analytics in designing well trajectories, selecting optimal mud weights, and ensuring compliance with environmental standards. Moreover, the integration of digital twin technologies is presented as a frontier for coupling geomechanical and real-time operational data, providing a comprehensive decision-making framework. By addressing challenges such as data integration, uncertainty quantification, and computational limitations, this paper proposes pathways to refine sustainable prediction models. The findings advocate for a balanced approach that combines technological innovation with environmental stewardship, enabling more resilient and sustainable drilling operations.
Sustainable Pore Pressure Prediction; Geomechanical Modeling; Drilling Operations; Wellbore Stability; Real-Time Data Analytics; Machine Learning; Reservoir Management; Digital Twin; Environmental Stewardship.
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