Study of fabrication of large working area periodical nanostructure ceiling lights to optimize usage performance
Department of Technology, Dong Nai Technology University, Dong Nai, Viet Nam.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(03), 776–779
Publication history:
Received on 13 February 2023; revised on 22 March 2023; accepted on 25 March 2023
The method offers a simple, fast, and cost-effective approach for the large-scale production of periodical nanostructures, which can be applied in various industrial applications. Firstly, the i-line stepper is used to expose the photoresist film on a silicon wafer. Then, the DoF and EL parameters are adjusted to achieve the desired pattern. Finally, the pattern is transferred to the wafer through the etching process. The patterns obtained are of high resolution and uniformity. In the experimental results demonstrate that this method is suitable for the large-scale production of periodical nanostructures. This method can be used to produce nanostructures with various shapes and sizes, which is of great importance for applications in the fields of microelectronics, optoelectronics, nanophotonics, and biomedicine.
Photolithography; Nanostructures; Process window; cost-effective; DoF; EL
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