Structural functionalism and educational inequalities in India: A comprehensive analysis

Jyoti Sharma *

Department of Education, Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Education, University of Jammu, India.

Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 747–750
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.2.1646
Publication history: 
Received on 07 July 2023; revised on 14 August 2023; accepted on 16 August 2023
In the context of India, this study explores the complex link between structural functionalism and educational inequality. The study examines how the Indian educational system both functions and dysfunctions within the larger societal structure, contributing to the persistence of disparities in educational access, quality, and outcomes across various social groups. It is grounded in the fundamental principles of structural functionalism. This study aims to shed light on the complex interactions between structural components and functional outcomes within the context of Indian education through a multifaceted approach that includes literature review, and comparative analysis. The study identifies the methods through which these structural forces affect educational prospects and support the maintenance of societal inequities by closely examining variables like social class, caste, gender, and regional differences. The significance of the study lies in its potential to offer a thorough knowledge of how structural functionalism might clarify the intricate dynamics of the Indian educational system. The approach not only clarifies how societal expectations, cultural norms, and values affect educational functioning, but it also points to prospective governmental intervention avenues that could lessen current inequities.
Structural Functionalism; Educational Inequalities; Social Mobility; Intersectionality
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