Preliminary study of the avifauna of the families Numididae and Phasianidae (Galliformes) of the Bombo-Lumene hunting area and reserve in Kinshasa (DR Congo)
1 Biology Laboratory, Department of Biology and Applied Techniques, Superior Pedagogical Institute of the Gombe (ISP/G), P.O. BOX 3580 Kinshasa, D.R Congo.
2 Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, University of Kinshasa (UNIKIN), P.O. BOX. 190 Kinshasa XI, D.R Congo.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 12(02), 019–031
Publication history:
Received on 13 September 2021; revised on 19 October 2021; accepted on 21 October 2021
The present study consisted of the identification of Numididae and Phasianidae birds of the Bombo-Lumene Hunting Estate and Reserve with a view to a domestication trial of one or two of their species. It focuses on direct field observations and trapping of birds. The following parameters were targeted in relation to domestication: weight, size, diet of these birds. A total of 468 bird specimens were observed (105) and captured (363) in various habitats. Of the individuals captured, 31 or 8.5% were Numididae and 332 or 91.4% were Phasianidae. The identification revealed five (5) species, three (3) genera, two (2) families and a single order. The species Francolinus afer, Numida meleagris and Francolinus coqui are the richest with respectively 364 individuals, 58 individuals and 42 individuals. On the other hand, the species Guttera pucherani and Francolinus streptophorus are the least rich with three individuals and one individual respectively. As millet farming has already been successfully experimented elsewhere and in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the results obtained from the targeted parameters indicate that among the species identified, only the species Guttera pucherani (Numididae) and Francolinus afer (Phasianidae) are eligible for a domestication trial in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Diversity; Poultry fauna; Numididae; Phasianidae; Bombo-Lumene Hunting Estate; Reserve; Kinshasa
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