Identification of potential areas for establishing water fodder in a base region: Particular case of the of the Mongo City (Chad)
1 Hydrochemistry-Hydrology Laboratory, Department of Geological Engineering (option: hydrogeology), Faculty of Mines and Geology, Polytechnic University of Mongo, Chad.
2 Department of Civil Engineering, Advanced Teacher’s Training College of the Technical education, The University of Douala, P.O. Box 1872, Douala, Cameroon.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(01), 697–710
Publication history:
Received on 23 May 2024; revised on 06 July 2024; accepted on 08 July 2024
Access to water in arid regions is a crucial issue in precise large-scale water management. This work studies potential areas for the installation of water boreholes in one of the most important cities in Chad, Mongo in Central Chad, which is an arid zone. To do this, a literature review presents this zone, which is a basement zone and which is affected by fractures of well-defined and specific orientations and the direction of slope allows the movement of surface water towards other regions of the country, as well as the recharge and horizontal flow of the discontinuous aquifers of the region. The implementation consists of the use of a geophysical prospecting method in order to choose suitable points for the rapid capture and good flow of groundwater which flows through the fractures. This method used is the classic Schlumberger AMNB device in which A and B are electrodes emitting the electric current and M and N are electrodes receiving the potential difference. Three sites are considered: the Mongo institute site, the Mongo pilot school site and the Mongo hospital, after which the curves giving the electrical survey are plotted and the stratigraphic column carried out at the drilling level.
Underground water; Rock; Fracture zone; Drilling; Electrical prospecting method
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