Face recognition based physical layer security system for next-generation wireless communication

Md. Ariful Islam 1, *, Md. Tofail Ahmed 2, Md. Imran Hossain 3, Md. Humaun Kabir 4 and Sujit Roy 4

1 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Pabna University of Science and Technology, Pabna-6600, Bangladesh.
2 Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Pabna University of Science and Technology, Pabna-6600, Bangladesh.
3 Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering, Pabna University of Science and Technology, Pabna-6600, Bangladesh.
4 Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science & Technology University, Jamalpur-2012, Bangladesh
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(03), 524–532
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.3.1099
Publication history: 
Received on 01 May 2023; revised on 11 June 2023; accepted on 13 June 2023
Security system in every sector all over the world is a most demandable and crucial issue to protect the fake user especially in wireless communication system. The most common feature in current wireless communication system is only transmitted users’ information; consequently, it is difficult to identify the actual sender to attain the desired security. Face recognition is one of the most popular security systems in biometric authentication, which can detect intruders to restricted or high-security areas in wireless communication sector, and help in minimizing the face user. In this paper, we proposed a system that is the senders will transmit message information with their image to confirm the original senders. A face-recognition algorithm will be implemented at the receiver end. When a senders’ transmitted information enters to the receiver section, the image of sender will be separated from original message signal and sent to the face-recognition algorithm to be analysed and compared with an existing database of trusted user. An alarm goes off if the user is not recognized.
AWGN; BPSK; Face Recognition; PSK; QAM; Wireless Communication
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