Examining multiplication and division on fuzzy numbers using composite tables

Md Alamin 1, *, Imran Hassan 2 and Suman Kar 2

1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast university, Dhaka- 1208, Bangladesh.
2 Department of Basic Science, Faculty of Science and Engineering, World University of Bangladesh, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 23(01), 1075–1082
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.23.1.2086
Publication history: 
Received on 02 June 2024; revised on 10 July 2024; accepted on 13 July 2024
A fuzzy number is a concept that represents a real number abstractly. It doesn’t assign a single value, but instead a range of uncertain values, each with its own weight between 0 and 1. It is essential to comprehend the arithmetic operations of fuzzy numbers in the real number of fuzzy mathematics. One of the fundamental concepts that should not be ignored is the explanation of the interval operation. In this paper, a composition table is constructed to demonstrate the multiplication and division of fuzzy numbers. Fuzzy arithmetic operations are commonly utilized to solve mathematical equations that involve fuzzy numbers. In this paper, we explore the relationship between multiplication and division operations and fuzzy numbers. We also demonstrate that the shape of their membership functions heavily influences the outcome of our calculations when using fuzzy numbers.
Fuzzy number; Membership function; α cut approach; Fuzzy Arithmetic
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