Evaluation of internship program Kampus Merdeka in the community-based total sanitation facilitator field at community health center Dr. Soetomo

Regita Wida Threnisa *

Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Population, and Health Promotion of Public Health, Airlangga University,

Surabaya, Indonesia.

Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(02), 1383–1386
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.2.1524
Publication history: 
Received on 08 April 2024; revised on 14 May 2024; accepted on 16 May 2024
The MSIB Kampus Merdeka program is a program that plays a role in bridging and securing the availability of quality talent for national industries that need alternative solutions to obtain talent that meets the qualifications and fits the culture of the organization so that they can make a real contribution over a long period. However, in the implementation of the internship program by the Surabaya City Health Office partners in the field of Community-Based Total Sanitation facilitators, there are still discrepancies in several components. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Merdeka Campus Internship program at the Surabaya City Health Office for the Community-Based Total Sanitation Facilitator field. This research is a type of evaluative research with a qualitative descriptive approach using the CIPP Model (Context, Input, Process, Product). Data was obtained through interviews and observations. Data analysis techniques by presenting data in the form of descriptions and verified by concluding. The results of the evaluation based on 4 components show that the content component is not yet appropriate in terms of background and program objectives, the input component is still lacking in human resources and the use of facilities and infrastructure, the process component is in accordance with the specified operating hours and the evaluation of activities carried out is not optimal, the product component is still largely developed due to the limited role of student interns. This study concludes that there are still elements in several components that are evaluated that are still not in accordance with the program plan.
Evaluation; STBM; Internship; Kampus Merdeka; CIPP Model
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