An efficient ratio estimator of population means under double sampling technique using information on auxiliary attribute

 Catherine Shike Agbebia 1, *, Andrew Ekpung Ntul 1, Etorti Imoke John 2 and Egomo Eric Monfung

1 Department of Statistics, University of Cross River State (UNICROSS), Calabar, Nigeria.
2 Department of Mathematics, College of Education, Akamkpa- Nigeria.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 22(02), 1165-1176
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.22.2.1313
Publication history: 
Received on 04 April 2024; revised on 13 May 2024; accepted on 15 May 2024
This paper provides the estimation of population mean under double sampling, using supplementary information in the form of an attribute (that is, a proportion of the population possessing an attribute highly correlated with the study variable).  A generalized efficient family of ratio estimator of the population mean is suggested and expressions for the bias and the mean square error of the estimator, as well as the minimum value are obtained. The proposed estimator has an improvement over some existing estimators when compared numerically using a natural population data and therefore provides a better substitute for the purpose of estimation.
Double sampling; Proportion; Efficiency; Estimator and population mean
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