Bridging gaps in preventive healthcare: Telehealth and digital innovations for rural communities
1 School of Integrated Science, Sustainability, and Public Health, College of Health, Science, and Technology, University of Illinois, Springfield, USA.
2 Department of Medicine and Surgery, College of Health Sciences, Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 24(03), 2861-2872
Publication history:
Received on 18 November 2024; revised on 26 December 2024; accepted on 28 December 2024
Background: Healthcare access has become one of the most imperative issues globally, with a significant discrepancy between rural and urban areas. This difference could be subject to ethnicity and cultural background. Given this, the position of digital innovations in appropriate healthcare delivery has become essential in bridging the gap in healthcare access. This paper seeks to determine diverse digital health inventions that address health disparities. It also examines various approaches to improve collaboration between healthcare accessibility and connectivity geared towards preventive healthcare education and awareness programs which ensure equity.
Method: A systematic review of literature on major databases like PubMed, Google Scholar and relevant sources from 2021 to 2024, and also peer-reviewed journal articles, and case studies was conducted. Key search terms included Telehealth and Digital Health; Preventive Healthcare; Rural Communities; Health Equity and Access to Health.
Key Findings: Among 11 included articles, 7 studies analyzed strategies and mechanisms developed to enhance rural healthcare. Also, 3 discussed telehealth and digital innovation awareness programs, while the remaining 1 analyzed possible policies and telehealth applications. Thus, these studies reported positive results on the adoption of telehealth and digital innovations in bridging the underlying gap between the inaccessibility of healthcare provision and the underprivileged rural community dwellers has proved substantial potential.
Conclusion: Telehealth has been confirmed to be a transformative mechanism for improving healthcare access in rural U.S. communities. Regardless of the significant infrastructural and technological hindrances, AI usage and digital innovations enhance telemedicine by improving the exactness and personalizing of awareness goals.
Preventive healthcare; Telehealth; Digital innovations; Rural communities
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