An analytical investigation pertaining to autocatalytic plating of chromium nickel carbide powder on copper alloys using electroless deposition method
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Government College of Engineering and Technology, Chak Bhalwal, Jammu (UT), India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(01), 291-301
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.1.0002
Publication history:
Received on 23 November 2022; revised on 07 January 2023; accepted on 09 January 2023
Engineered components can gain desirable properties when coated with surface materials. Hard chromium has been given priority in material selection list while making choice for certain wear and corrosion- resistant coatings because of its desirable combination of chemical resistance, adhesion, and mechanical properties. Owing to the existing environmental safety concerns, there is restrictions on the employability of hexavalent chromium ions as plating material. This substantiates a need to develop an environmentally friendly process for alternative coatings. Today, Chromium Nickel Carbide (Cr-Ni-C) is emerging as good quality plating substrate with no the toxic compounds as compared to existing chromium complex. The purpose of this research paper is to investigate electroless processes for plating metal powder, chromium nickel carbide with nickel. These particles were successfully encapsulated with Ni by electroless deposition method using different solutions.
Electroless deposition method; Nickel sulphate; Plating; Chromium nickel carbide powder; Copper penny; Encapsulation
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