A review: Critical Heat Flux (CHF) during pool boiling
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln USA.
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 949–956
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.21.1.0086
Publication history:
Received on 02 December 2023; revised on 09 January 2024; accepted on 11 January 2024
A Pool Boiling occurs when a heated surface comes into touch with a liquid pool. The liquid is heated until it vaporizes and rises to the surface in the form of bubbles. A liquid is heated to the point of Pool Boiling, where vapor nucleation causes bubbles to form. Heat transmission is increased as these bubbles become larger and detach from the surface, allowing the cold liquid to come into contact with them and transmit heat. A review was conducted on the significance of nucleation site stability in the Pool Boiling thermal transfer method, which finds widespread applicability in diverse industrial settings. The efficiency of heat transfer and the boiling process are dependent on the stability of nucleation sites. The maximum heat flux that may be transported prior to the onset of film boiling is known as the critical heat flux (CHF), and it is an important consideration in the design of thermal transfer systems. Reducing contaminants and dissolved gasses in the liquid as well as altering surface characteristics including microstructures, coatings, and roughness can all increase the stability of nucleation sites. Although nucleation site stability requires a complex mathematical computation, it may be described by a few general equations and relationships, such as the crucial bubble size and heat flux. The critical heat flux (CHF) phenomena, its significance for Pool Boiling thermal transfer, and its use in a range of industrial and engineering contexts are covered in this page. The significance of fathoming the components driving CHF and the factors impacting it is stressed in the article for of making exact prescient models and compelling heat exchange frameworks. The CHF component, the few hypothetical and observational models that have been put on a mission to make sense of CHF, and the factors that impact it —, for example, liquid boundaries, surface elements, framework strain, and stream rate — are undeniably canvassed in this article. The improvement of novel surface modifications and strategies to help CHF and support the heat exchange effectiveness of Pool Boiling frameworks was the primary focal point of ongoing examination. The article's decision is that CHF is a convoluted peculiarity that keeps on collecting a ton of interest from specialists and presents practical open doors for raising the viability and guaranteeing the protected sending of heat exchange frameworks in different settings.
Pool Boiling; CHF; Thermal Transfer; Liquid; Nucleation
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