The role of digital marketing promoting tourism business: A study of use of the social media in promoting travel

Sumaia Afren *

Department of International Business and Management, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 272–287
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.21.1.2668
Publication history: 
Received on 18 November 2023; revised on 29 December 2023; accepted on 01 January 2024
This study explores how digital marketing, especially through social media, impacts tourism businesses. We looked at different sources like academic studies, industry reports, government papers, and online platforms to understand this connection better. We found that digital marketing, like using social media and videos, plays a big role in making people interested in travelling. For instance, research showed that when people see digital marketing, they are more likely to think about going on trips and spending money on them. Social media is also changing how people plan and book their trips. Reports showed that most travelers now use social media to decide where to go and even book their travel experiences. This shift in behavior shows how important social media has become in travel planning.
Government reports also told us that the Internet is changing how people travel. More tourists use the Internet to plan and book their trips. These reports highlight that digital tools are making a big difference in the way we travel. Online platforms like social media are not just communication tools; they also inspire travel plans and help people decide where to go. We learned that social media is trusted by travelers and is shaping the way people choose their travel destinations.
This research shows that digital marketing, especially through social media, is not just a trend but a powerful tool for tourism businesses. By understanding how people use the Internet and social media, businesses can connect with travelers, share their stories, and create stronger connections. This research gives us a better understanding of how digital marketing is changing the world of travel.
Digital Advertising; Boosting Travel; Social- Media; Users Interaction; Travel Industry; Influencer Marketing; Online Existence.
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