The meaning of “Being Art”: Perception and reality

María Laura Vazquez 1, Mayra Alejandra Castañeda Cataña 2, Mercedes Diemanz Hartz 3 and María Josefina Carlucci 2, *

1 Buenos Aires University. Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning (FADU). Image and Sound Design. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2 Buenos Aires University. Institute of Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Exactas and Natural Sciences, (INQUIBICEN-CONICET), Virology Laboratory QB19. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
3 Autonomous University of Barcelona. University School of Translators and Interpreters. Spain.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2024, 21(01), 001–011
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2024.21.1.2690
Publication history: 
Received on 22 November 2023; revised on 30 December 2023; accepted on 01 January 2024
Art and Science try to explore what we consider true. It does not depend on how reality is really, but actually on how we perceive it as humans.  So, we create our own reality as we go through space basically. Our body is a good indicator. Art by all means, is the ability of the Being to investigate and create an intimate relationship with itself. Every action in life is art if it leads us to contemplate life with renewed eyes, and to perceive its incessant intelligent flow that blooms from our inner beauty. How many colors are there in our emotions towards reality perception?  While contemplating reality, what kind of thoughts are we generating? Do they affect our state of consciousness?
Perception; Consciousness; Reality; Art; Virus; Quantum
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