Magnetic polarity & stratigraphy of the Bundelkund area Amravati, Maharashtra

Pravin Sheshrao Ingle *

Department of Geology, G.S. Tompe College, Chandur Bazar, Amravati, Maharashtra, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(03), 1794–1802
Article DOI10.30574/wjarr.2023.20.3.2674
Publication history: 
Received on 20 November 2023; revised on 27 December 2023; accepted on 29 December 2023
Magnetic Polarity and Stratigraphic studies of the Bundelkund area Amravati districts (Lat. 21000'-21015'N; Long. 770–77015'E) are carried out. Total thousands of oriented samples from fresh basalts were collected at close intervals. Detailed palaeomagnetic investigation where carried on 250 samples collected from 20 lava flows belonging to 03 selected traverses were subjected to progressive thermal demagnetizer at 15 different steps of temperatures from 50˚C to 600˚C. Traverse attaining a total thickness of 800m in the study area. Some rocks may fail to retain the magnetic record due to the modification subsequence to their formations by a number of natural phenomena like geotectonic disturbance, metamorphism and alteration, which can produce various degrees of secondary magnetisation in the rock. The secondary magnetisation acquired by the rock is unstable as compared to naturally remain magnetism which can be removed by cleaning techniques like stepwise Alternating field demagnetisation (AFD) and Thermal demagnetisation (TD). The palaeomagnetic results indicate that the most of the flows showed irregular natural remnant directions while a few specimen even from other flows for which a meaningful NRM could be deciphered also showed inconsistent directions. Only 35% of the samples showing irregular directions initially improved on alternating field and stepwise thermal demagnetization. High degree of alteration of the flows appears to have affected the stability of the palaeomagnetic directions. The mean palaeomagnetic directions indicate the presence of lower transitional directions at the bottom part of the sequence and upper reversed polarity in remaining part of the sequence with a few samples showing scattered behavior. The polarity transition has take place in the study area. Ancient latitude calculated for the study area is 30o S and that of Nagpur is 31o S indicating that India has drifted by 51o due N which is more than 5000 Kms. since the formation of this lavas.
N-R-N sequence; Magneto-Stratigraphy; Polarity; Alternating field demagnetisation (AFD); Thermal demagnetisation (TD).
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