Improving the quality of aquafeed for an effective food security in small scale African aquaculture

Aba Mustapha *

Independent Aquaculture Researcher, Fish Nutrition. Region Raba- Kenitra. Morocco.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 07(03), 274-282
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2020.7.3.0349
Publication history: 
Received on 16 September 2020; revised on 28 September 2020; accepted on 29 September 2020
African aquaculture production is growing rapidly compared to world statistics, but it is still not able to fully exploit its potential. Most aquaculture production in Africa is carried out on small-scale aquaculture farms to meet the current demand for aquatic animal products and contribute to the continent's food security. Among the constraints to aquaculture development in Africa, food-related issues are prominent. In this context, both the cost of feed and its quality and nutritional value are concerns for small-scale fish farmers, which leads them to produce their own feed from agricultural by-products. This feed powder has several physical  and nutritional disadvantages  for fish, which has an impact on aquaculture production,  nutritional quality and fish growth time, hence the need to improve the quality of this feed to enhance aquaculture production and contribute to food security in the continent, through the organization of training courses for fish farmers, the formation of cooperatives and the contribution of African research centre and universities to the evaluation of local agricultural by-products used, to contribute to the sustainability of aquaculture in Africa.
Aquafeed; Agricultural by-products; Small scale Aquaculture; Africa, Food Security
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