Level of safety performance achievement / safety maturity level in nickel mining: Study at PT. Putra Perkasa Abadi Jobsite MLP Southeast Sulawesi
1 Department of SHE PT. Putra Perkasa Abadi Jobsite MLP, Southeast Sulawesi.
2 Faculty of Masters in Management, Management of OSHE Concentration, Sahid University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
3 Operation Management PT. Putra Perkasa Abadi Jobsite MLP, Southeast Sulawesi.
4 Faculty of Public Health, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(03), 201–210
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.20.3.2441
Publication history:
Received on 20 October 2023; revised on 27 November 2023; accepted on 30 November 2023
Background: Occupational Safety and Health in Mining are all activities to guarantee and protect workers to be safe and healthy through efforts to manage work safety, work health, work environment, and work safety and health management systems. The work process in mining has high potential for danger and risk, for this reason, safety, occupational health and environmental aspects are requirements that must be met in every work activity. This study aims to measure the level of Safety Maturity Level Assessment on workers in each department and employee level at PT. Putra Perkasa Abadi (PPA) site Makmur Lestari Primatama (MLP).
Method: This type of research is quantitative descriptive. In this research, there are 4 indicators in the safety maturity level, namely: Mining Worker Participation; Responsibilities of Work Unit Leaders; Accident Statistics, Dangerous Events, Occupations Due to Workforce Diseases, Occupational Diseases; and Control Efforts. The data collection method for Mining Safety Level Assessment consists of several methods, namely document review, distribution of questionnaires, data analysis, interviews, observations, focus group discussions, and simulations. Respondents were 301 people consisting of Operational Responsible Persons, Vendors/Work Partners, Section Heads/Coordinators, Group Leaders, Operators, Mechanics, Labor Helpers, and Non-Staff and Laborers.
Results: The mine worker participation indicator is at a proactive level with an achievement value of 0.13. Indicators of Responsibility of Work Unit Leaders; Accident statistics are at a proactive level with an achievement value of 0.32. The statistical indicators for accidents, dangerous events, incidents resulting from occupational diseases and occupational diseases are at the planned level with an achievement value of 0.17. The Control Efforts indicator is at a proactive level with an achievement value of 0.26. Based on the recapitulation results of all the Company's Safety Maturity Level indicators, it is at the Proactive level with a value of 0.88.
Conclusion: Mining OSH management system at PT. PPA began to involve workers in the improvisation stage of OSH management. Awareness and involvement of workers in OSH management is starting to change the pure top-bottom management approach into two-way communication in the sense that all levels of positions actively participate in efforts to create a safe, comfortable, healthy and safe work environment.
Safety Maturity Level; Occupational Safety and Health; Mining
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