Indigenous media and rural mobilization for development programmes in Nigeria

Aondowase Saawuan 1, *, Ackar Aernyi Andrew 1 and Nkoyo Ubong-Archibong Umoh 2

1 Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Arts, University of Calabar, Nigeria.
2 Department of Development Communication, Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, University of Uyo, Nigeria.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(03), 095–103
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.20.3.2201
Publication history: 
This paper explores the role of indigenous media in rural mobilization for development programmes in Nigeria. It is a position paper which obtained its data through secondary sources such as textbooks and journal articles. The paper is anchored on the Uses and Gratifications Theory. Indigenous media have been found to be critical components of rural mobilization which empowers rural dwellers to engage in self-actualizing activities in their communities. They are also found to be instrumental to changing the behavioural patterns of rural people towards achieving set development goals. Indigenous media promote awareness and increase active participation of rural people in development programmes. Lack of a unified language system in indigenous communication, lack of official attention from the government and the influence of new media technologies among others have been identified as challenges faced by indigenous media in Nigeria. The paper however, concludes that indigenous media are vital channels for rural mobilization and development in Nigeria. The paper recommended among others that government, policy makers and development stakeholders should deploy indigenous media in rural development programmes for effective mobilization and participation of the rural folks in their development programmes.
Indigenous Media; Rural Communication; Rural Mobilization; Grassroots Participation; Development.
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