Ethnobotanical survey and comparative active ingredients in the leaves of two anti-measle botanicals in Osun state, Nigeria
1 Department of Science Education, School of Vocational and Technical Education, Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Osun State, Nigeria.
2 Department of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, Osun State, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(02), 619–625
Publication history:
Received on 29 June 2023; revised on 06 August 2023; accepted on 08 August 2023
Medicinal plants have been used in treatment of human ailments and diseases before the advent of science. Paucity of knowledge of the active ingredients is a major setback in the practice of herbal medicine. This work compared the active ingredients in the leaves of two common anti-measle botanicals (Calotropis procera, Vernonia amygdalina) in Osun State, Nigeria. The ethnobotanical survey was carried out through visits to medicinal plant users such as native doctors, farmers, herbalists and the medicinal plant dealers within the State. 10g of sample of each medicinal plant measured into the amber bottle with the addition of 20ml methanol was subjected to High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC); a method used to separate mixture of complex samples. Results of the phytochemical analysis revealed Calotropis procera having Tyranton as the highest phytochemical extract which possessess cytotoxic effects towards human viral infections. Calotropis procera and Vernonia amygdalina extracts are very useful in the utilization of anti-measle infection. These can be recommended to the medicinal plant users as being effective against the aforementioned ailment.
Calotropis procera; HPLC; Vernonia amygdalina; Tyranton; Herbal medicine.
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