Integrated curriculum planning of the Qur'an in shaping the religious character of students at SDI Qur'ani Al-Bahjah Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia

Nani Zahrotul Mufidah *, Imam Fuadi, Agus Zaenul Fitri and Asy’aril Muhajir

Postgraduate Program at Islamic State University (UIN) of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung Indonesia.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(02), 571–578
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.20.2.2272
Publication history: 
Received on 01 October 2023; revised on 09 November 2023; accepted on 11 November 2023

This research was motivated by the author's interest in the curriculum program at the institution, namely SDI Qur'ani Al-Bahjah Cirebon, with the curriculum used as the Tahfidz Curriculum. This institution incorporates the Tahfidz Curriculum into the learning process. This can be seen from the uniqueness highlighted by the institution as an effort to answer the challenges of the times and also answer parents' concerns about the morals and abilities of their children. The institution offers an integrated curriculum of the Qur'an as a shaper of the religious character of students. Furthermore, further will be discussed related to applying the integrated curriculum of the Quran in the learning process.
This study aims to explain and formulate an integrated curriculum planning of the Qur'an in shaping the religious character of students at SDIQU Al-Bahjah Cirebon. The research method in this study uses a Phenomenological Approach, a type of qualitative research with a natural setting; the method used is a field study with a case study design.
The research results in this study are in planning an integrated curriculum of the Qur'an in shaping the religious character of students at SDIQU Al-Bahjah Cirebon. This institution has two curriculums: the Qur'an-based local and National curriculum. Curriculum design includes determining the vision and mission, integrating the curriculum, selecting strategies, to planning learning evaluations using standards from the institution.
Curriculum planning; Integrated Qur'an; Religious character of learners
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