Primary oto-rhino-laryngological cancers: Epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects about 231 cases in Senegal

Pangpoukne Sando 1, *, Awa Sadikh Badiane 1, Lionel Éric Francis Edimo 1, Ndèye Fatou Kane Ba 2, Hamadou Rachidou 1, Moussa Diallo 2, Fatimatou Néné Sarr 1, Mouhamadou Bachir Ba 2, Kanta Ka 2, Salif Baldé 3, Doudou Diouf 3, Mamadou Moustapha Dieng 1 and Papa Macoumba Gaye 2

1 Department of Radiotherapy, Joliot-Curie Institute of Aristide Dantec Hospital, Dakar, Senegal.
2 Department of Radiotherapy, Dalal Jamm Hospital, Dakar, Senegal.
3 Department of Medical Oncology, Joliot-Curie Institute of Aristide Dantec Hospital, Dakar, Senegal.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(02), 474–477
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.20.2.2301
Publication history: 
Received on 01 October 2023; revised on 05 November 2023; accepted on 09 November 2023
Objective: establish the epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic profile of primary cancers of the oto-rhino-laryngological (ENT) sphere in a reference oncology service in Senegal.
Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study, conducted at the Joliot Curie Institute of Aristide le Dantec hospital over a 30 months period from January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2022.
Results: 231 ENT cancers were collected in our study, with a mean age of 51 years [11; 93]. Females predominated with a sex ratio of 0.88.  Alcoholism was noted in 15.1% of cases. Smoking was noted in 23.8%. Alcohol smoking predominated in laryngeal cancer. The oral cavity was the most frequent site (44.6%). The histological nature of the cancers was dominated by squamous cell carcinoma (93.5%). Stages III and IV were in the majority: 62.8% and 23.8% of cases respectively. Neoadjuvant surgery was performed in 11.9% of cases. Chemotherapy was used in 65.1% of cases (including 90.2% for induction). Radiotherapy was used in 42.9% of cases and associated with chemotherapy in 90.7% of cases.
Conclusion: ENT cancers are common in Senegal and diagnosed at all ages. Females predominate. The most common cancers are those of the oral cavity. They are discovered at a locally advanced stage and are treated with induction chemotherapy followed by concomitant chemoradiotherapy.
Epidemiology; Cancer; ENT; Senegal; Radiotherapy. 
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