Interoperable defense systems for the Malacca strait: A military-civilian approach using sensing technology

Rudy AG Gultom *, Aris Poniman and Syachroel

The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(02), 468–473
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.20.2.2286
Publication history: 
Received on 01 October 2023; revised on 06 November 2023; accepted on 09 November 2023
The Malacca Strait is a strategically important maritime route, but it is also a hotspot for piracy. To address this problem, a joint military-civilian effort using sensor technology is needed. This study aims to develop a concept for military-civilian interoperability based on sensor technology to support defense systems in the Malacca Strait. The research methodology used includes a literature review of military and civilian interoperability standards, the generation of wave and wind climate maps, and a literature study on HAPS sensor technology. The results showed that interoperability between the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) and the Indonesian Coast Guard (Bakamla RI) and between TNI AL and the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) is still at an ad hoc level, and interoperability between Bakamla RI and TNI AU is still at an isolated level. This situation can be overcome by developing interoperability concepts that can be applied when planning a HAPS deployment. Sensor technology can be used to map area features to narrow down the monitored area. In addition, HAPS can be used to perform real-time maritime surveillance and strengthen the defense of the maritime sector.
Malacca Strait; Interoperability; Sensor technology; HAPS; Piracy
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