Quality of life and work engagement of Brazilian immigrants in an Asian country

Guilherme Akira Otani 1, *, Carlos Antonio Negrato 1, Leandro Yukio Mano 2 and Alessandra Mazzo 1

1 Department of pediatric dentistry, orthodontics and public health, Faculty of Dentistry Bauru, University of São Paulo, Bauru, SP, Brazil.
2 Technological Development Scholarship in Information and Communication Technology from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) - Level A, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 20(02), 357–365
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.20.2.2283
Publication history: 
Received on 30 September 2023; revised on 06 November 2023; accepted on 08 November 2023
Objective: to measure and correlate the quality of life with the work engagement of brazilian immigrants during their period of stay in an asian country. Method: quantitative and descriptive study, carried out from October to November 2020, with sample recruitment in “snowball sampling”. 157 brazilian immigrants were contacted. Those over 18 years of age who had stayed in the country for at least 2 months were included. Research Ethics Committee approval was obtained.
Results: 63 young adult brazilian immigrants, men and women, with high schooling, high workload and good income were selected. Quality of life presented varied results, indicating different experiences in the period. Work engagement’s scores were average. The correlation between the scales did not indicate robust correlations between their domains.
Conclusion: the study indicated the influence of the country’s culture on both components. New studies of preparatory interventions for brazilian immigrants about the country’s language, society's functioning, and labor issues can positively impact the quality of life and work engagement of these individuals during their stay in the country.
Emigrants and Immigrants; Japan; Occupational Health; Quality of Life; Work Engagement.
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