The correlation between educational level and acceptance of booster vaccination information using satire memes on Instagram
1 Department of Epidemiology, Population Biostatistic, and Health Promotion, Faculty of Public Health, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
2 Department of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 1349–1353
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.2.1729
Publication history:
Received on 18 July 2023; revised on 27 August 2023; accepted on 29 August 2023
Vaccination for Covid-19 is one way to prevent transmission of Covid-19. The government encourages the public to carry out primary and booster vaccination doses. However, many people are hesitant to get vaccinated. This condition was used by several parties to convey education about Covid-19 booster vaccination to society through various media, including satirical memes. The research aimed to find out the correlation between educational level and acceptance of booster vaccination information using satirical memes on Instagram. It is a quantitative research using a cross-sectional design with a sample of 111 people. Data collection using a questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out using Univariate and Bivariate methods. The results showed no correlation between education level and acceptance of information on the Covid-19 booster vaccination through satirical memes on Instagram with p = 0.75 (p>0.05). Satire memes can be an alternative promotional medium for the Covid-19 booster vaccination because it is likely to be accepted by all groups, regardless of education level.
Covid-19; Booster Vaccination; Satire Memes; Information; Instagram
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