Socio-demographic profiles and nurse practice environment among Filipino Staff Nurses
Department of Nursing, College of Allied Health, National University, Manila, 1008, Philippines.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 1098–1107
Publication history:
Received on 09 July 2023; revised on 18 August 2023; accepted on 20 August 2023
Background: COVID-19 is an unprecedented health crisis that has strongly shaken the whole world. There is a paucity of studies comparing the perception of the nurse practice environment in the Philippines.
Aim: To determine Filipino nurses' practice environment and compare the respondents' perceptions according to socio-demographic profiles.
Design: This study utilized a descriptive-comparative design, using the Practice Environment Survey- Nurse Work Index (PES-NWI).
Results: Staff nurses perceived the most favorable perception of Nurse Manager Ability, Leadership, and Support of Nurses (x=3.3, SD=0.63), while, staffing and resources adequacy (x=2.8, SD=.71) were viewed as less favorable. The participants agree they experienced a favorable nurse practice environment (x=3.1, SD=0.59). There is no significant difference in the perception of the practice environment when grouped according to age (H=3.87, p =0.14), sex (U = 9855.50, z = -1.54, p =.125), civil status (H =.31, p =.96). educational attainment (H =2.58, p =.275) and committee involvement (U = 5913.50, z= -1.54, p =.123). A significant difference was observed when grouped according to the length of nursing practice (H =11.48, p =.043), nurse level (U = 10358.00, z= -2.52, p =.012), and area of assignment (H = 25.62, p =.002).
Conclusion: The study demonstrates that the practice environment of Filipino nurses varied accordingly. Length of nursing practice, nurse level, and area of assignment impact nurses' perceptions of their practice environment.
Recommendation: It is recommended to optimize the practice environment by providing continuous education and training programs, policies and work environments, and ensuring adequate staffing levels.
Practice Environment; Nurses’ Environment; New Normal; Comparative
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