Reformatting and redesigning the role of a teacher in the shadow of the millennial challenges
The Department of English Language and Culture, Faculty of Education, Constantine the Philosopher University, Dražovská cesta 4, 94901 NITRA, Slovakia, Europea.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(02), 500–504
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.2.1563
Publication history:
Received on 28 June 2023; revised on 05 August 2023; accepted on 07 August 2023
The article deals with changing the role of a teacher respecting the millennial challenges in the educational sector. The author provides readers with the outline of the situation in Slovakia as a non-English speaking EU country. He focuses on the teachers’ personal integrity and expertise, as well as perspective innovations. Afterwards, he targets the capacities for the overall modernity of teachers and values they are able to bring in. And finally, there are various factors that condition this agenda – the author mentions 3 dilemmas of the educational sector.
Formability and modernity of a teacher; Teachers’ personal integrity; Learner-centred approach; Dilemmas of educational sector
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