Treatment of lateral ankle pain with glucopuncture: A clinical case

Ferrie J * and Kersschot J

Private Sport Podiatry Practice, Docklands, Victoria, Australia.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(01), 1012–1016
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.19.1.1433
Publication history: 
Received on 30 May 2023; revised on 15 July 2023; accepted on 17 July 2023
Chronic foot and ankle pain seriously decreases the health-related quality of life, especially among older people. It is important to look for treatment modalities that are safe and effective. Over the last two decades, isotonic sugar water injections have received more attention among clinicians worldwide. Clinicians have been injecting glucose or dextrose 5% into the carpal tunnel, epidurally, into joint cavities, perineural and into soft tissues such as muscles, tendons and ligaments. In this article, the focus is on periarticular and perineural injections in the ankle region.
Musculoskeletal Pain; Ankle Pain; Glucopuncture; Prolotherapy; Neuroprolotherapy; Joint Degeneration; Ultrasound; Elderly
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