The effect of e-commerce, the use of accounting information systems and financial knowledge in decision making for entrepreneurship
1 Department of Accounting Information Systems Vocational School Warmadewa University, Bali – Indonesia.
2 Department of Telecommunications Technology Vocational School Warmadewa University, Bali – Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 19(01), 588–599
Publication history:
Received on 01 June 2023; revised on 10 July 2023; accepted on 13 July 2023
An entrepreneur is said to be able to compete in the business world when they are able to adapt to the changes that occur, including technological developments. The development of information technology in today's business world plays an important role for entrepreneurs in running and developing their businesses. This is because information technology provides convenience for transactions in an efficient and effective manner. The existence of information technology today has led to an increase in entrepreneurs utilizing and using information technology. This study aims to obtain evidence regarding the effect of e-commerce, the use of accounting information systems, and financial knowledge on decision-making for entrepreneurship. This research was conducted at Warmadewa University. The data collection method used in this study was a survey method with a questionnaire technique. The population in this study were accounting students at Bachelor Degree, Diploma Degree, and Associate Degree levels at Warmadewa University who have status as active students. The data used in this study is primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires directly to respondents using a purposive sampling technique. The data analysis used is multiple linear regression.
E-Commerce; Use of Accounting Information Systems; Financial Knowledge; Entrepreneurs
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