The impact of experiencing sexual violence against women in Sidoarjo city
Department of Biostatistics, Population Studies and Health Promotion, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(03), 760-767
Publication history:
Received on 04 May 2023; revised on 13 June 2023; accepted on 15 June 2023
Cases of sexual violence are increasingly widespread and alarming in the era of globalization. Sexual violence is common among women and has reached epidemic levels, affecting more than a third of women worldwide. The problems and consequences of sexual violence can lead to various conditions that interfere with women's mental and physical health. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact experienced by women after experiencing sexual violence. The research method used was a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The research was conducted for three months (February-April 2023) in Sidoarjo City, East Java. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews obtained from 8 informants, including female victims of sexual violence and the Regional Technical Implementation Unit for the Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) of Sidoarjo City. The data analysis technique used thematic analysis consisting of identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns (themes) found in the data and presenting them in detail and thoroughly. The results showed that the consequences of sexual violence caused women to experience unsafe abortion, unwanted pregnancy, bipolar, anxiety and fear disorders, sleep disorders, symptoms of psychosis, self-harm, and negative behavioral changes such as suicide attempts, smoking and drinking behavior, and sexual intercourse habits. Meanwhile, positive changes experienced include getting closer to God, trying to be productive, and evaluating and improving themselves.
Sexual Violence; Physical Impact; Psychological Impact; Behavioural Change Impact
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