Prescribing pattern of antibiotic regimen in inpatients with uncomplicated urinary tract infection

S. Sravana kumari *, M. Pramod kumar, M. Sireesha, T. Sasi kumar * and B. Glory mary

Department of pharmacy practice, Annamacharya College of pharmacy, Rajampet, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 717–722
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.2.0754
Publication history: 
Received on 15 March 2023; revised on 29 April 2023; accepted on 02 May 2023
Introduction: Uncomplicated urinary tract infection is among the more common infections in females. The S3 guideline contains recommendations based on current evidence for the rational use of anti - microbial agents and for the prevention of inappropriate use of certain classes of antibiotics and thus of the resulting drug resistance.
Methodology: A hospital based, prospective, observational type of study to be conducted in Inpatient department, Government general hospital, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh. Study was conducted over a period of 6 months (September 2019 to Feb 2020).
Results: According to our study, patients with illiterate (26) were mostly affected when compared to literate (24), housewives were mostly affected with uUTI (44) with age group of 18-33 were mostly affected (23), 49-63 age group people were less affected with uUTI(8) . Cystitis was the mostly commonly seen in patients (43) when compare to pyelonephritis. Ceftriaxone was mostly commonly prescribed drug when compare to other antibiotics (27).
Conclusion: We found that majority of patients were treated with third- generation cephalosporine class of drug (ceftriaxone) followed by ciprofloxacin, nitrofurantoin.
Uncomplicated urinary tract infections; Antibiotics; Ceftriaxone; E. coli
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