Ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma of the mandible: Case report and review of literature

FILALI Hajar *, KHALFI Samia, LAHMAR Soukayna, BOUZIANE Jihane, HASSANI Wissal, FARHANE Fatima Zahra, ALAMI Zenab and BOUHAFA Touria

Department of Radiation therapy, Oncology hospital, HASSAN II university hospital, Fez, Morocco.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 375–380
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.2.0844
Publication history: 
Received on 31 January 2023; revised on 06 May 2023; accepted on 09 May 2023
Ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma (GCOC) is an extremely rare odontogenic carcinoma that is typically characterized by an admixture of atypical epithelial cells and ghost cells. Up to date, GCOC remains rare with around 58 cases have been reported. Herein,we report a case of GCOC of the mandible, the patient is particularly young, successfully treated with surgical resection, reconstruction, and radiation, followed for 2 years without any sign of recurrence. A comprehensive literature review was performed.
Ghost cell odontogenic carcinoma; GCOC; Ghost cells; Mandible
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