An assessment of the effect of training and development on employee performance: A review perspective
1 Department of Industrial & Labour Relations, Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.
2 Department of Sociology, Borno State University, Nigeria.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(02), 258–270
Publication history:
Received on 19 March 2023; revised on 01 May 2023; accepted on 03 May 2023
Training is generally considered as tool which is used to enhance individual skills, knowledge and abilities of a resource, and to enable that person to understand certain aspects of business. Training and Resource Development, when combined together with other practices directly affect the quality of HR outcomes, which eventually results in firm’s higher performance. Need for a training program arises whenever there is a gap between the desired and actual performance of the employees. Usually the senior management of a company tries to fill this skill gap by opting for ‘On-job training’. Training is defined as ‘Planned intervention that is designed to enhance the determinants of individual job performance’ Training sessions help employees in reducing frustration and anxiety which is created by heavy workloads and also enables them to handle this effectively. Modern organizations have realized the importance of Human Resource Development (HRD), and have begun to use on-job training as a tool for increasing employee satisfaction. It is indeed the responsibility of the senior management of any organization to understand not only the apparent but also the ‘hidden’ needs of their employees. Generally are three types of trainings: On-Job training, Off-Job Training, and apprenticeship training. It is against this backdrop that this study intends to explore the essence of training and development on employee performance.
Training; Development; Performance; Organization
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