An ayurvedic management of Tamakshwasa with special reference to bronchial asthma: A case study
Department of Kayachikitsa, M.A.M.’s Sumatibhai Shah Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Malwadi, Hadapsar, Pune-411028, Maharashtra State, India.
Case Study
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 18(01), 1164–1168
Publication history:
Received on 14 March 2023; revised on 24 April 2023; accepted on 27 April 2023
Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of respiratory tract with airway hyper responsiveness producing symptoms such as wheezing, cough and dyspnea. Exposure to the dust, smoke, respiratory infections, new dietic preparation, stress and change in climate are some of the causative factors of Bronchial Asthma. In Modern medicine there is no permanent cure for asthma, only symptoms can be. If it is left untreated or not treated in time,it is fatal in nature. Although various studies have been performed across the globe in last few decades and some good drugs are discovered. Due to changes in life style and change in environment, mainly pollution, study shows clear indication that the prevalence of Shwasa (Bronchial Asthma) has increased significantly in all age groups. Tamakshwasa is of 5 types of Shwasa , which is said to be Kashtasadhya or Yapya by Madhavnidan. Presently, nebulization is the fastest way of relieving the symptom of Shwaskashtata in Bronchial Asthma, for which bronchodilator and steroidal preparations are widely used. But they have some ill effects when used for prolonged period. A 40-year-old female having increase in symptoms of Shortness of breath, Expiratory wheezes, Chest pressure sensation, Patient had taken allopathic medicine for 1 month, but she had no satisfactory relief. Shaman and Shodhan as ApunarbhavChikitsa is given. Significant improvement observed in subjective and objective parameters.
Tamakshwasa; Shaman Chikitsa; Bronchial Asthma; Shwaskashtata; Wheezes
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