Cancer commonness in Eastern and Western Libya and effect of the eating way on patients
Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Medical Technology, Tobruk University, Tobruk, Libya.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2020, 05(02), 186-192
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2020.5.2.0035
Publication history:
Received on 06 February 2020; revised on 17 February 2020; accepted on 21 February 2020
This work provides a summary on size of food related tumors including pancreas, stomach, liver and colorectal tumors in Eastern and Western Libya from 2005 to 2009; and lung, breast and colorectal cancers at Tobruk Medical Center in 2017, and to recognize the responsibility of bad nutritional habits in growing cancer. A total of 972 cancer cases were analyzed. About, 785 cases (466 males and 319 females) were from Eastern and Western Libya and diagnosed with pancreas, stomach, liver, mouth, pharynx and colorectal cancers .Whereas, 187 cases (40 males and 147 females) were obtained from Tobruk Medical Center and diagnosed with lung, breast and colorectal cancers. A cross sectional study performed on 300 patients with pancreas, stomach, liver, mouth, pharynx and colorectal cancers at Tobruk Medical Center, Al Shefa Clinic and Al Shema Clinic in Tobruk from August 2016 to March 2018. Of 785 patients, there were 382 cases (220 males and 162 females) from Western Libya and 403 cases (246 males and 157 females) from Eastern Libya. About 59.4 % males and 40.6% females were detected with pancreas, stomach, liver, mouth, pharynx and colorectal cancers. Men are just about 18.8 % more expected than women to build up tumors. Approximately 28% males and 20.6% females from Western Libya, while 31.4% males and 20% females from Eastern Libya. Men in Eastern Libya are almost 3.4% more likely than men in Western Libya to develop cancer. While, women in Western Libya are only 0.6 % more likely than women in Eastern Libya to develop cancer. Among interviewed patients, 42% (n = 126) cases commonly consumed fast foods, while 34% (n = 102) cases rarely ate fruits and vegetables, and 24% (n = 72) patients had family history. High-quality nutrition with excellent bodily movements encourages health of patients with cancer.
Food related tumors; Bad nutritional habits; Eastern and western Libya; Cross sectional study; High-quality nutrition.
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