The relationship between farmer participation and the effectiveness of the people's palm oil rejuvenation program (PSR) in Tebo District, Jambi Province, Indonesia
1 Agribusiness Magister Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, Palembang Indonesia.
2 Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia.
3 Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(03), 971–980
Publication history:
Received on 18 February 2023; revised on 25 March 2023; accepted on 28 March 2023
The aims of this research are: (1) to analyze the level of participation of farmers in the People's Oil Palm Rejuvenation Program (PSR), (2) to analyze the effectiveness of the People's Oil Palm Rejuvenation program, and (3) to analyze the relationship between the level of participation and the effectiveness of the PSR program. The research was conducted in Tebo District, particularly in the Rimbo Ulu and Muara Tabir Districts. with the survey method. Sampling technique with Random Cluster Sampling of 182 farmers, and obtained a sample of 65 respondents consisting of 44 farmers in Muara Tabir District and 21 respondents in Rimbo Ulu District. Data were analyzed descriptively and Rank Spearman correlation test.The results showed that the level of farmer participation in Muara Tabir and Rimbo Ulu Districts was high with an index of 74.03% for Muara Tabir District and 74.15% for Rimbo Ulu District. The effectiveness of the PSR program is in the high category with an achievement of 79.73% for Rimbo Ulu District, and for Muara Tabir District an achievement of 75.11%. The relationship between farmer participation and the effectiveness of the PSR program in the two sub-districts shows no significant correlation, with a value of Rs = 0.243, and Rs = 0.445 , for Muara Tabir and for Rimbo Ulu, respectively. The direction of the relationship is positive, which means that the higher the level of farmer participation, the more the goals of the people's oil palm rejuvenation program are achieved.
Effectiveness; Participation; People's Oil Palm Rejuvenation Program; Relationship
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