Study of thyroid lesions for Sudanese patients
1 Radiological Sciences and Medical imaging College, National University-Sudan & Radiological Sciences College, Elrazi University-Sudan.
2 Department of Radiological Sciences, Applied Medical Sciences College, Najran University, Najran KSA, P.O. Box 1989 KSA.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(03), 250–255
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.3.0365
Publication history:
Received on 31 January 2023; revised on 03 March 2023; accepted on 06 March 2023
This was a deceptive cross sectional study aimed to differentiate between benign and malignant tumor using ultrasonography, done in Khartoum area hospital during the period from January 2022 to January 2023. 200 patients with thyroid nodules (20%) 40 males and 160 (80%) females. The study found that most patients had well define margin nodules were 145 (73%) and ill define margin nodules were 54 (27%), most patients had taller-than-wider capsule were 192 (96%) and wider-than-taller capsule were 8(4%), most patients had internal vascularity were 150 (75%) and peripheral were 50 (25%), most patients had No calcification170 (85%) and had calcification 30(15%), most patients had hyper echogenicity were 156 (78%), hypo echogenicity were 30(15%) and iso echogenicity were 14 (7%), most patients had multi lesion were 118(59%) and solitary lesion had 82 (41%), most patients had benign lesion were 150 (75%) and malignant lesion were 50(25%), study confirmed that there was statistically significant correlation between age and margins (p-value = 0.00), vascularity (p-value = 0.003) and there was statistically insignificant correlation between age and capsule, number of lesions, between gender and margins, capsule, vascularity, number of lesions and between weight and margins, capsule, vascularity, number of lesions (p-value > 0.05). there was statistically insignificant correlation between age, gender and echogenicity (p-value > 0.05), there was statistically significant correlation between calcification and type of lesion (p-value =0.001), there was statistically significant difference in margins (sig=0.001), in vascularity (sig=0.00) .The study concluded that the most patients had benign lesion, there was statistically significant correlation between age and margins, vascularity, between calcification and type of lesion, there was statistically significant difference in margins, in vascularity, and in calcification between benign and malignant lesion and there was statistically insignificant difference in capsule and echogenicity between benign and malignant lesion.
Thyroid; Nodules; Benign; Malignant; US
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