Antimicrobial activity of traditional formulation
Department of Pharmaceutics, SSM College of Pharmacy, Jambai, Bhavani Taluk, Erode District, Tamilnadu-638312, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(02), 512–516
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.2.0259
Publication history:
Received on 02 January 2023; revised on 13 February 2023; accepted on 16 February 2023
This study was undertaken to investigate the antimicrobial activity of traditional formulation using phyla nodiflora, Hibiscus rosa sinesis, Phyllanthus emblica, and piper nigrum plant against pathogens. cold press oil and refined oil extracts of the above plants were prepared and their antimicrobial properties were evaluated by measuring the zone of inhibition using the disk diffusion method. Various fractions showed antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, staphylococcus aureus, and antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus. The results indicated that all of the extracts show antimicrobial properties. The highest potential was observed in formulation 4 (phyla nodiflora leaves & cold press oil) 18 mm zone of inhibition. The cold press oil extract shows maximum inhibition against bacteria as compared to fungi. The experiment confirmed the using phyla nodiflora, Hibiscus rosa sinesis, Phyllanthus emblica, and piper nigrum oil extracts as natural antimicrobials and suggested the possibility of scalp infectious diseases caused by the test organism. The current investigation shows leaves of Phyla nodiflora have potent antimicrobial activity further study is needed to explore its full potential.
Traditional formulation; Hibiscus rosa sinesis; Phyllanthus emblica; Piper nigrum; Phyla nodiflora; Antimicrobial activity; Cold press oil; Refined oil
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