Community extractive economic activities in the Silokek Geotourism area

Edi Indrizal and Yevita Nurti *

Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Andalas University, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(02), 189–195
Article DOI10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.2.0212
Publication history: 
Received on 23 December 2022; revised on 02 February 2023; accepted on 04 February 2023
This paper is written based on the results of research in the Silokek Geopark tourist area, Sijunjung Regency, West Sumatra. The combination of the development of the concept of geological diversity with abundant natural resources, biological (rich flora and fauna) and culture, makes Silokek Geopark very potential to be developed into sustainable tourism. However, the problem of environmental pollution, and the management of the natural environment in the extractive economic dimension of the community, is still very worrying, so that it can have a negative impact on the development of tourism.  This paper provides views related to community extractive economic activities to support sustainable tourism in Silokek. The research was conducted using qualitative methods, with observation and interview data collection techniques. The results showed that there is a need for a comprehensive understanding of the community in the tourism area regarding the changing functions of forests and rivers as a result of tourism development in the area. There is a need for motivation to shift the community's economy from an extractive economy (related to the exploitation of natural resources), community economic resources in managing forests, mining gold, river functions directly to a non-extractive economy in order to support sustainable tourism development. 
Extractive-non-extractive economy, Geological Diversity, Silokek Geopark; Sustainable tourism
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