Insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and IGF binding proteins in obese pregnant women and their babies: Potential effects on placental function and fetal growth

Ashraf Soliman 1, *, Noor Hamed 1, Fawzia Alyafei 1, Nada Alaaraj 1, Shayma Ahmad 1, Maya Itani 2 and Nada Soliman 3

1 Department of Pediatrics, Hamad General Hospital, Doha, Qatar.
2 Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, Hamad General Hospital, Doha, Qatar.
3 Department of Public health, North Dakota State University, Fargo, USA.
Review Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(02), 093–100
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.2.0222
Publication history: 
Received on 22 December 2022; revised on 31 January 2023; accepted on 03 February 2023
Introduction: The placenta expresses significant amounts of insulin and IGF1 receptors at distinct locations on both fetal and maternal surfaces. This makes the IGF1 and the insulin receptor accessible to fetal and/or maternal insulin, IGF1 and IGF2. IGFs are involved in the receptor-mediated regulation of placental growth and transport, and placental angiogenesis. Maternal obesity during gestation mediates significant changes in the metabolism of mothers, placentas as well as fetal growth.

Objectives: In obese women. the role of the insulin like growth factor system IGFs, IGF receptors, IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs) and IGFBP proteases during gestation, and their effect on placental growth and fetal anthropometric changes need further clarification. In this update we reviewed the literature on the detected changes in the maternal and fetal IGFs in relation to placental growth and function and to fetal growth and newborn size in pregnant obese mothers. Eighteen research articles fitted the criteria of this update.

Results: Twenty-three research papers were including 2817 pregnant obese and non-obese women (controls) and their babies were selected and reviewed. Results showed that obesity and excessive nutrient intake during gestation increase maternal IGF1and decreases IGBP1. Increased maternal IGF1 and/or its availability due to decreased IGFBP1 can increase the size (weight) and development of the placenta, stimulate mTOR signaling which stimulates protein synthesis, mitochondrial function, and upregulate specific placental amino acid transporter isoforms (amino acids transport), GLUT-1, (glucose transport) and possibly lipid transport to the fetus which can induce fetal IGF1 secretion and lead to overgrowth.

Conclusions: In obese women during pregnancy, increased level of IGF1 and/or its availability due to decreased IGFBP1 can increase the size (weight) and development of the placenta, stimulate mTOR signaling which stimulates protein synthesis, mitochondrial function, and upregulate placental transport of amino acids, glucose and possibly fatty acids.
Obesity; BMI; Pregnancy; Placenta; Fetus; Newborn; Growth; IGF1; IGFBP; mTOR
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