Technology competency map of the teachers in the new normal

Ma. Ronavie M. Ternida *

National Teachers College, Graduate School of Teacher Education, Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 17(02), 079–092
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2023.17.2.0172
Publication history: 
Received on 14 December 2022; revised on 24 January 2023; accepted on 27 January 2023
Background: Technology can help the constructivist learning process by making abstract concepts and facts more grounded in personal experiences and the values of learners and also by allowing the learning experience to be differentiated for individual learners (e.g., through personalized developmentally-appropriate software).
Aim: The paper would like to find out the technology skills of students amidst pandemic.
Methods: The study used descriptive research design. Descriptive design is suitable wherever the subjects vary among themselves and one is interested to know the extent to which different conditions and situations are obtained among these subjects. The method of gathering data is a survey questionnaire which is a product of a thorough reading of related literature and studies. After the construction, the questionnaire was validated by the experts.
Conclusion: The highest rating among the indicators of technology skills were the items “Take digital pictures and download them to my computer.” and “Upload video, PowerPoint and other outputs for presentation or sharing.” All categories – age, length of service, and educational attainment have significant differences in their mean responses, thus, these groupings have influenced the ratings of teacher-respondents on their technology skills.
Technology; Skills; Software; Mapping
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