Geological investigation in the Bhuleshwari River Basin, Amravati District, Maharashtra
1 Department of Geology, G. S. Tompe Arts, Commerce and Science College, Chandur Bazar, Dist. Amravati, Maharashtra, India.
2 Groundwater Surveys and Development Agency, Amravati, Maharashtra, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(03), 757-766
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.16.3.1433
Publication history:
Received on 18 November 2022; revised on 24 December 2022; accepted on 26 December 2022
The Bhuleshwari river basin covers an area about 380 Sq. Km. from Bhatkuli and Achalpur Taluka, Amravati district, Maharashtra. It flows over varied geological formation from Deccan trap to Alluvium with groundwater quality varying from fresh water to saline water. The area has been studied to evaluate the impact of geomorphology on groundwater occurrence and its impact on hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater. Number of field traverses and observation in the bank sections of the river and dug wells has been done in the given basin. The nature and lateral and vertical extent of aquifers are controlled by lithology, stratigraphy and structure of rock formations. Lithological characteristics of rocks are reflected in their storage and yield properties. The present work deals with the regional as well as local geological set of the area and its Stratigraphic position. It also deals with the lithological characteristics of the ‘basalt flows’ and structural features of the area. The detailed geology of the Bhuleshwari river basin has been discussed and presented in chapter two. Based on number of field traverses, in the geological map eight lavaflows has been identified in northern region and alluvium in southern region can be divided into younger and older alluvium. The Deccan trap is separated by alluvium with fault, boulder alluvium is seen to occur in this zone. The geological map of Bhuleshwari river basin modified from geological survey of India map, GSI (2001) is presented. Geologically the study area consists of 420 m thick Alluvium. Only the top 40 m is accessible for direct observation in the bank sections of the river and dug wells.
Bhuleshwari River Basin; Geological Investigation; Regional Geology; Alluvium; Deccan Trap; 55H/5
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