Analysis of the average menopause age of Bangladeshi women: A public health perspective
1 Department of Public Health, First Capital University of Bangladesh, Chuadanga-7200, Bangladesh.
2 Central Medical College, Cumilla-3500, Bangladesh
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(03), 231–235
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.16.3.1311
Publication history:
Received on 21 October 2022; revised on 03 December 2022; accepted on 05 December 2022
Background and aims: Menopause is a natural process in nature; hence, changes in the age of menopause are not to be anticipated. Consequently, the purpose of the research was to obtain accurate estimates of the age of menopause in Bangladesh and to determine regional differences in the age of women at menopause.
Methods: A search was undertaken for studies using a Cross-Sectional Design, and those that included women aged 40-60 years from various areas of Bangladesh between 2009-2019, the average age at menopause, and had identical inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected for meta-analysis. The research materials consisted of cross-sectional investigations conducted in various regions of Bangladesh. STATA-16 Statistical Software was used to create a forest plot using cross-sectional study data in order to illustrate the variance of menopause age determined from separate research. The variance was assessed relative to the weighted average age at menopause. I2 data represent the heterogeneity of menopause age in the studies.
Results: The average age of menopause in Bangladesh is 46.7 years (95% CI: 44.84, 48.9). As shown by the Funnel Plot and Egger's test, the standard deviation in one research was slightly over 1.97. Minimum mean age was 44.70 years (95% CI: 35.02, 54.38) and highest mean age was 48.96 years (95% CI: 42.30, 55.62) In addition, the age at menopause did not differ significantly by age at menarche, despite a strong correlation.
Conclusions: Age at menopause correlated positively with age at menarche. During the period 2009-2020, the median age in Bangladesh was 46.7 years, which was much lower than in many wealthy nations. There was no information on the distribution of age at menopause in the papers analyzed for this meta-analysis, therefore the discrepancies may be methodological.
Menopause; Average Age; Women; Bangladesh
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