The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on new students' interest in college: case study: High school of economics in Makassar city
Management Department, STIE Tri Dharma Nusantara Makassar, Indonesia.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(02), 1169-1174
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.16.2.1242
Publication history:
Received on 10 October 2022; revised on 26 November 2022; accepted on 28 November 2022
The world of education, which is a major need in developing the quality of human resources, also feels the presence of the corona virus. Universities have also been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Education as a very important aspect in the development of human resources must surrender and adapt to current conditions. For old students, of course, having to adapt to online or online lectures which some people agree is more difficult than offline lectures. This study looks at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student interest in studying at the College of Economics in Makassar City. To achieve the research objectives and provide answers to the problems posed, this research uses quantitative methods by taking cross-sectional data in the form of responses from universities, namely the College of Economics (STIE) in Makassar City. The online learning process is indeed a new thing in the world of Indonesian education where most of the teaching staff and students are still adapting to this condition. It is undeniable that this online learning process makes it easier for both teachers and students (students) to be able to carry out lectures anywhere and anytime. However, we also cannot deny that the ability to absorb material from each student is different. The contents of each student's glass are different from one another. There are students who absorb lecture material very easily, but there are also those who require more detailed explanations and even face-to-face explanations. So that the pandemic condition with the online learning process also affects students' interest in college. There are those who do decide to stay in college, as explained earlier, but there are also those who choose not to go to college first on the grounds that they cannot follow the online learning process.
Education; Corona Virus; Learning Process; Student; Makassar City
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