Assessment of five major mycotoxins in millet and sorghum in Benue south senatorial district, Benue State, Nigeria
Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Benue State Polytechnic Ugbokolo. Benue State, Nigeria.
Research Article
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(02), 1066-1071
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2022.16.2.1255
Publication history:
Received on 12 October 2022; revised on 25 November 2022; accepted on 27 November 2022
Millet and sorghum grain are not consumed soon after harvest but often stored for many months to be sold or consumed later. Extremely high and low temperatures, humidity, improper handling and improper storage have been contributory to mycotoxin production by filamentous fungi in most food crops either on the field, in storage or during transportation. This study considered the assessment of mycotoxin in indigenous millet and sorghum produced by farmers Benue South Senatorial District of Benue state. Mycotoxin Extraction and Evaluation of Deoxynivalenol (DON) by HPLC were carried out. The result obtained from the different analysis showed mycotoxin occurrence in both food samples analysed at varying concentrations. Incidences of all five mycotoxins were determined in both food samples up to 94.9%. Data obtained from the analysis (Tables 1 and 2) showed the occurence of aflatoxins and ocratoxin A in both millet and sorghum samples in comparison to the other three mycotoxins. From the result above the percentage occurrence of various fungi species are reported thus; Aspergillus spp (41.67%), Fusarium spp. (27.08%), Mucor spp. (12.5%), Penicillium spp. (10.42%) and Rhizopus spp. (8.33%). Aspergillus spp occurred in all three zones with higher frequency and are known producers of mycotoxins such as aflatoxin, sterigmatocystin and ochratoxin. The high incidence of both DON and ZEA in the food commodities analysed is a cause for concern and reason for more research into other mycotoxins contamination of Nigerian food commodities as well control strategies in order to combat mycotoxin contamination.
Mycotoxins; Ochratoxin; Millet; Sorghum; Aflatoxins.
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